BiK thanX to Car-OH! from my SKool. Me hopeZ Ya read DiZ!
I love the wardrobes of grandma's! A friend from school (Caro is her name) told me yesterday, she was rummaging through her granny's wardrobe and she found this piece (woollen cardigan). Her granny wanted to throw it away but Caro wrote me on facebook (yes, I hate it [facebook] too but however), she had something in mind what I would like. So she brought it today to school and first I was like okay, it looks nice, I'll keep it, but now I'm utterly going BANANAZ! about it. I love it, and with the safety pins instead of buttons (I pimped it a bit up, eg with the Brontosaurus-brooch) it looks really cool and fits my current mood and style and feeling very much. And now I want to wear it tomorrow for school too, but originally I had planned something different. We'll see. Maybe the weather allows it. Today we had very nice weather. You could barely see the sun, but it was warmer as any other day this year and it was very nice to walk around without all-body-coverage. I really enjoyed it. And naturally I wish for more weather like this the following days.
So my nice UFO-Blog is one year old. And I really didn't reach anything in particular. I wish some more people would read/watch and appreciate the shit I post and feed (me?) back! Nonetheless I heard some people saying they were checking my blog these last days, people from whom I didn't expect something like dad. And dad made me very happy (ambiguous)! So I'll keep trying and giving my best and sacrifice my time for this shitZZZZZZZ!
So my nice UFO-Blog is one year old. And I really didn't reach anything in particular. I wish some more people would read/watch and appreciate the shit I post and feed (me?) back! Nonetheless I heard some people saying they were checking my blog these last days, people from whom I didn't expect something like dad. And dad made me very happy (ambiguous)! So I'll keep trying and giving my best and sacrifice my time for this shitZZZZZZZ!
du bist halt kein skrupelloser blogger, der seinen link unter sinnlosen kommentaren auf anderen blogs veröffentlicht, um werbung zu machen. du verteilst lieber selbstgemachte flyer in der stadt. du bist zu cool!;-)
AntwortenLöschenWOW das ist so liep von dir + Ehrlich. Ein HOCH auf die ANTI-Skrupellosigkeit! HIP HIP HurraY!